Video file
The Beginnings seeks to demonstrate the successful co-existence of the human construct and the natural, each sustaining its own strength, beauty and integrity. These steel trees bathed in light offer a new aesthetic and celebrate the ubiquitous technology that governs many aspects of our lives as they live next to their beautifully aged natural counterparts in harmony and grace for generations to come.
Lighting plays a central role in the identity of the sculptures. As the day turns to night, the bright surfaces of the sculpture are enveloped by the dark and the openings in the branches reveal the bright light spilling out from the inside of the trees.
Project Year
3/8" thick carbon steel
pearlescent white epoxy paint
Steel Structure
LED Lighting
(H: 50; W: 14')
pearlescent white epoxy paint
Steel Structure
LED Lighting
(H: 50; W: 14')
Project Status